Integrating Chart.js with Alpine.js

In this post, we’ll explore how to effectively combine Chart.js, a popular JavaScript library for flexible charting options, with Alpine.js, a minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. We’ll also look at how to dynamically fetch data using Ajax. This approach is particularly useful for creating interactive and responsive data visualizations in web applications.

Key Takeaways

  1. Non-Reactive Chart.js Reference in Alpine.js: When integrating Chart.js with Alpine.js, it’s crucial to keep the Chart.js instance outside of Alpine.js’s reactive scope. This separation is necessary because Chart.js manipulates the DOM directly, which can lead to conflicts with the reactive nature of Alpine.js. By declaring the Chart.js reference with let outside of the reactive data properties, we prevent unnecessary complications in updating the chart.
  2. Efficient Chart Updates with Chart.js: In the newer versions of Chart.js, updating a chart has been greatly simplified. Unlike previous versions where you might need to completely destroy and recreate the chart instance for updates, now it’s enough to just clear the existing data from the dataset and call chart.update(). This method is more efficient and results in smoother transitions and updates to the chart, enhancing user experience.

Example: Fetching and Displaying Data

Let’s look at a practical example where we use Chart.js and Alpine.js together, along with Ajax for fetching data.

HTML Structure

<div x-data="chartComponent()">
	<x-button @click="updateChart()">  
		<span class="mr-2" x-show="isLoading" />
		<canvas x-ref="chart" id="chart" width="800" height="450"></canvas>  

JavaScript Integration

function chartComponent() {
	// Declare 'chart' with 'let' to prevent it from being reactive in Alpine.js. 
	// This is because Chart.js manipulates the DOM directly, which can conflict with Alpine.js's reactivity.
	let chart;
	const clearChartData = () => { = 0; => { = 0;
	const setChartData = (data) => { = => row.label);[0].data = => row.value);
	const fetchChartData = async () => {
		this.isLoading = true;
		try {
			const response = await fetch(`/api/my-chart.json`);
			return await response.json();
		} catch (error) {
			console.error('Error fetching chart data:', error);
			return null;
		} finally {
			this.isLoading = false;
	return {
		isLoading: false,
		async init() {
			const data = await fetchChartData();
			if (!data) return;
		async updateChart() {
			const data = await fetchChartData();
			if (!data) return;
		async renderChart(data) {
			chart = new Chart(this.$refs.chart, {
				type: 'bar',
				data: {
					labels: => row.label),
					datasets: [{
						label: 'My Label',
						data: => row.value)