Integrating Chart.js with Alpine.js

In this post, we’ll explore how to effectively combine Chart.js, a popular JavaScript library for flexible charting options, with Alpine.js, a minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup....

How to auto format Blade Code in PHPStorm

In the world of web development, ensuring that your code is clean, tidy, and readable is an important part of the process. This is where code formatters like Prettier come...

Creating a Custom Tooltip Component with Tailwind CSS (without JavaScript)

Creating the Tooltip Component Let’s start by defining the tooltip Blade component using Tailwind CSS classes. Here’s the code for the tooltip component: //...

PHP Storm and Laravel Pint

UPDATE AUGUST 2023 The latest version of PhpStorm, 2023.2, now includes support for Laravel Pint as part of its quality tools suite. This integration means that code style feedback...

Testing PHP SoapClient

When working with PHP’s soap client, it can be useful to see the actual XML that is being sent to and received from the remote web service. By default, the...